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Read-A-Thon Updates!

Bethel PTO

Hello Bethel Families!

Are you ready for our one week update? Well here it is....Drum roll please....

Our current school wide total raised is $4111! And we have logged over 25,000 minutes reading!

If you are not dancing for joy right now, you should be! Our kids are doing amazing. The school has already earned an Ice Cream Sundae and Pizza Party.

Now that we are a week in, you may have had some questions arise. We have put together a FAQ list for you in hopes to answer some of these questions.


1. What if I don't have my kids login number?

A: No problem! We are here to help. Contact Lily Dickson via email

2. How do I log my kids reading time?

A: Parents only need to log reading times that take place at home unless otherwise posted or instructed by your kids teacher. Many teachers are logging their kids reading time during school hours or are keeping record on a white board and then posting that picture to the Bethel FB page. Once on the read-a-thon website, go to the login and sign in your child. Select MENU and click on DASHBOARD. The top left box has a blue button that says START A READING SESSION. Click that button and either use the timer to time your child's session or select the option to manually enter a time.

3. My kids keep talking about prizes. What is the scoop with this?

A: We are so glad you asked. Our school is raising money as a whole. This means no grades are competing against each other. It's all for one and one for all. This means that as the school achieves a goal, the whole school gets rewarded! We set 3 goals for our students. $3000 raised earns an ice cream party. $4000 raised gets an ice cream and pizza party. $5000 raised gets an ice cream and pizza party PLUS an extra field trip this semester! We have already won the first two! Let's go for the $5000! In addition to the school wide rewards, we will also be awarding top reader and top raiser in the K-3 classes and 4-12 classes. This means there will be one individual from the collective group of K-3. Not a winner per grade, and the same for 4th thru 12th.

4. My kid was handed cash. What do I do with it?

A: Two options, 1) the parent can deposit this money and then make the donation online themselves or 2) you can turn the money into the school. The money will go toward the student's total on paper but not online where that total can earn them more prizes from the online store.

5. What is the fundraiser paying for?

A: The fundraiser profit is going toward finishing our Bethel Kitchen and bringing it up to code. We are thrilled! Estimates have already been obtained. We are ready!

6. When does the fundraiser end?

A: The fundraiser officially ends January 30th so please make sure to log everything in by then. All donations need to be entered and reading minutes logged. We can announce our grand total that day. Once completed, each class will decide when their pizza and ice cream party will take place.

Parents, thank you so much for your support and encouragement in this fundraiser. This has been a blast and we have loved the pictures and videos that you are sharing on your social media pages. Some of you are cracking us up! Let's finish strong and try our best to get to the $5000 goal.


Bethel PTO

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